This Teacher’s Day, its time to be ONE

Teacher I Receiver I Giver

“Thank You Sir/Madam”

“You have made me what i am today. It was your sheer patience and consistent efforts on me, which has got me so far in life. I would like to thank you for the same. Happy Teachers Day Sir/Madam.” You must have typed few such msgs today and may have circulated to your respective teachers/mentors/leaders or even friends and colleagues. Its time for you to start being one.

Giving back to the society

Everyone is a teacher to someone. I am asking here to take that job seriously. Knowingly/ Unknowingly, we all touch somebody’s life. Lets focus on the knowingly part here. Remember when was the last time you not just helped somebody but concentrated on him through out a period of time and made sure he came out with flying colours?

This may even require you to revisit your basics, add on to your database, change your approach or thinking entirely on the particular subject you think you have expertise about; but in order to be a teacher to somebody, this needs to be done.

Remember, just as we pick our goals or as we pick our own battles, we also need to pick the students of our life and instead of remembering our teachers each year on this day, we need to count the students whom we could make a better person (personally as well as professionally).

So tomorrow when you are expecting your leader to teach you something, hold on for a moment and go to your subordinate and try to teach him something. Be it a basic mathematics calculation or some philosophy of life, try to better off somebody’s life by sharing your knowledge or guiding him the along the path. Don’t just end here.

Just like your teacher made it a point to make you understand a concept deep down, and never gave up on you, you too follow the same. Don’t give up on your so called student and keep pushing till he is out of the school (reach).

After all, what i understand of teaching is “its simply an art of sharing knowledge, which was once shared with me with the hope that someday i shall pass it on too.” This thought is an example of the same.

Happy Teacher’s Day and this

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Curabitur sagittis lectus quis purus interua vulputate justo hererit asellus ullcorper sem vel tellus ultrices ac suscipit orci
Curabitur sagittis lectus quis purus interua vulputate justo hererit asellus ullcorper sem vel tellus ultrices ac suscipit orci