Reader's Club


To inculcate the habit of reading in people


Reading: Something which almost all of us enjoyed in our childhood. Be it stories or comic books, nearly all were once connected to it. However, with age, this hobby becomes a wish – something we want to get back to but cannot.

There comes the Reader’s Club. I formed this club for people who seriously want to get into the habit of reading but cannot. So all I do is give you a little needed push, and there you go. Trust me that is all you need. That is all we do in this group.



“I want to get into the book reading habit but am unable to.”
“I like to read but it’s long since I could not get time to read.”
“I love reading but unable to make out time for that.”
“I want to start reading. pulvinar dapibus leo.

Have you ever said any of the above sentence in the last 3 months? And would like to work on it? If yes, let us connect. 

Read 1 book. You need to assure that you complete reading 1 book during the course of this program.

You may not. As long as there is any program which is helping you getting into the reading habit, you are free to join any.

• 1-2-1 attention (understanding why and where exactly are you stuck)
• Performance tracker (daily basis)
• Group motivation
• Personalised book recommendation

Through a 1-2-1 personal discussion if needed.